Busy Bees Babysitters - Only the best care for the most precious ones in your life! Babysitters in:
We recommend that you make your booking as early as possible to avoid disappointment. The more notice you give us, the better our chances of securing the right babysitter for your child or children. If you require multiple day/ evenings of childminding while on your holiday, we will try and assign the same babysitter, so that your children can establish relations & routines with their babysitter or nanny. We want the children to feel happy, safe and comfortable.
Available all hours, 7 days a week.
For further enquiries or bookings you can BUZZZ Fay on: Australia: 0417 794 507 International: +61 417 794 507 Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it